Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 4 1/2 month old westie

4 1/2 month old westie

19 10:18:16

My son just dropped an ibuprophen pill and my puppy ate it before we could get it will this hurt him?

Ibuprophen can be very toxic to dogs, if it is a large dose. Do you know the dosage? The biggest problem is it can cause ulcers and bleeding in the stomach and intestines. It is certainly not a recomended drug for dogs, however a small dose of it will most likely have no serious effect on him. If it JUST happened (under 30 minutes) you can try to induce vomiting, but otherwise you just need to watch him carefully. Signs of problems are:

Poor appetite
Black tarry stools
Vomiting blood
Abdominal pain

if you see any of these signs, he needs to go to the vet immediatly. Keep a very close eye on him tonight, and keep the number of your nearest emergancy vet on hand. Let him drink as much water as possible if you are unable to induce vomiting.

I hope all is well!