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head shaking profusely like its quivering

19 9:40:25

hi my dog is almost 4 years old & he is in good shape. he is a german short haired pointer & he is very fit. lately though  whenever he is sleeping, or just walking around his head starts to shake like he is cold, but only his head shakes, not his body. he has never done this before & we just took him to the vet a week ago or so. maybe its the shots he got? please help me & Mossbird!

Hi Lucas,

Thank you for writing to me about your sweet Mossbird.  I am so sorry that you are going through this scarey situation.  

Vaccinations can do terrible things to a dog's immune system.  It is possible that if these tremors followed directly after the shots that you dog has been negatively effected by them.  If so, in the future you cannot vaccinate him again.  You will likely have to get a note from a holistic vet stating that your dog has vaccinosis and that any future vaccinations can be life threatening.

Other possible causes for these tremors can be a severe inner ear infection which can cause severe head shaking or even loss of balance, a foreign body in the ear canal such as a foxtail/splinter/wood chip/bug/chigger/tick/ etc.  
Smell his ears and note if there is an odd odor, possible like yeast or mold.  He could have a yeast infection or a bacterial infection.

Mossbird could also have a form of epilepsy with mild tremors to his head.

Your vet has to take some bloodwork and start to examine him for causes.  If he can't find anything he should refer you to a neurologist.  Mossbird may been to get an MRI of his head to see what could be causing this.

Start with the simple things like an infection or something lodged in the ear and then proceed to more complex causes.

I wish you and your dog the very best.

Shelley Davis