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having two male chihuhuas

19 11:25:11

We currently have a two year old Chihuahua that we love more than anything. We have decided to to get him a playmate; however, I was wondering if you can put a male with another male?

It totally depends on the dogs, Allison. I would strongly suggest that you have them both neutered, because that will help curtail any aggressive tendencies by getting rid of the hormone testosterone.

How does your current dog behave around other dogs now? Is he playful with them? If he is, then there shouldn't be an issue adding another dog as long as you do not start showing favoritism towards the new dog. That often can lead to tension and fighting between household dogs, because the 'old' dog does not understand why the 'new' dog is suddenly getting more attention and/or being placed ahead of him as far as being fed, getting petted, etc.

"Nothing in Life is Free (NILIF)" is a technique that I advise all dog owners to use. I use it myself with my three dogs every day. NILIF is a non-confrontational way of making sure your dogs understand that you are the leader of the pack, and you can find lots of information on it by simply doing a search at

What I would advise you do would be to consider adopting a dog that is close to your dog in age. Often, puppies can overwhelm older dogs and this can sometimes lead to the older dog becoming disgusted with the new one, and never really getting along. This isn't always a problem, but it's something to think about. Also, by adopting a dog that is around 2-3 years of age, the rescue or shelter should be able to give you an idea about his temperament and how well he may fit into your household. Puppies want to play with everyone, but as they mature, their temperaments can change. Getting a dog that's already past adolescence should make it easier to tell if he's going to be able to get along with your current dog or not.