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Hyperactive puggle

19 10:24:50

I have a 3 month puppy which is a mixed pug with beagle, he is extremely hyper, is biting everything and everyone all the time... that's his way to play (I think!). I took him out 2 times a day for 20-30 min each time. He do pi and pup in his pad but when I did not give him the attention he think he  deserve he start doing it everywhere and start barking as crazy until the point he desperate me and make me punish him.
I am desperate with his behavior, I need some relaxation therapy or behavioral therapy please!
Thank you very much.

Hi Christina,

Puppies are a whole lot of work! They demand your constant supervision and attention, it's really important that you provide your puppy with this care, otherwise he can grow up to have some BIG behavioral issues, and could even become aggressive.

You shouldn't punish your puppy for biting, even though it's wrong for him to do so. Punishment doesn't teach your puppy anything, what he needs is training. Here are a couple of web pages you should read to learn how to stop your puppy from biting:

Active play is one of the things that stimulate a puppy to go to the bathroom. Just before, and immediately after playtime you should take your puppy to his house training area, or outside. Sometimes, a puppy also needs to stop in the middle of play to eliminate.
Your puppy should also be given a chance to relieve himself about 15 minutes after eating, after waking from a nap, and before bedtime at night.

It's really good that you take your puppy out twice a day for 20-30 minutes, but if you increasing the amount of exercise your puppy gets can help him relax more! Is there a fenced area where your puppy can run or play with other dogs? Playing with other dogs is much more of a workout than a walk around the block.

When you are unable to supervise your puppy, or just want a break, it's okay to crate your puppy, or contain him in an area of your home. You should never use the crate of containment area as punishment, these areas need to be happy places where your puppy feels secure. You can read about crating a puppy here:

If you are having a hard time getting control over your puppy, and reading about how to fix the problem doesn't help, the next step is to enroll in a puppy "kindergarten" class at your local dog obedience school. You will learn from an experienced person how to control your puppy, and your puppy will learn how to obey. Ask your veterinarian for a referral to a dog obedience school, or find one in your local yellow pages.

Best of luck,
