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do you know about the Walk Your Dog With Love dog harness

19 10:25:09


What do you know about the Walk Your Dog With Love dog harness ( )?

My neighbors say it is great, that it leads from the front, fromt he dog's chest, yet it is better that the Gentle Leader/Halti because it isn't on the snout - so dogs like it, and it better than the Easy Walk or Sense-ation because is is easy to put on, it doesn't have the buckles and rings to chafe the dog, and doesn't "unsize" when you use it, like the Easy Walk does.


Hi Bikel,

I have to tell you that this is the first I've heard of the Walk Your Dog With Love Harness.  After reading about it, it sounds easier to use than either a Halti or Gentle Leader head harness because both of those products require an adjustment period for the dog to get used to it.

I think if you're having a problem with your dog pulling during leashed walks, the Walk Your Dog With Love Harness sounds like it should be easier for both you and your dog.
Gentle Leader (the maker of the head harness) also makes the Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness, which works the same way as the Walk Your Dog With Love Harness. You can compare the two and buy whichever is cheapest.

If your dog's problem during leashed walks is jumping around, barking, and excessive pulling or lunging, then you'd be better off with one of the brands of head harnesses.

Best of luck,
