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2 Male Dogs From Same Litter

19 11:43:32

We have 7 dogs all of which have been getting along good until about a month ago.  Within those 7 dogs two are brothers from the same litter (14 month old White German Shepherds).  Cheech is the biggest one and Chong is the runt of the litter.  Cheech has been fighting with all the dogs but has been really hurting Chong.  Right now I have Cheech in the dog pen and all he does is run around the pen none stop.  I'm afraid to let him out for fear he will hurt one of the other dogs. Now I have noticed that if I pet one of the other dogs he will come up and not really bite me, but put my hand in his mouth (no pressure is applied) and direct my hand to him.  He also tries to squeeze between me and another dog. I don't want to keep Cheech seperated from the others but I don't want him to hurt them either.  Finding him a new home is something I don't want to thing about, so could you please help us out here.


Hi Cindy;
Training, training, training.
Methinks you have not established yourself as the alpha, and Cheech is appointing himself as the alpha ( boss) of th outfit.
First, I would get a video and learn to do animal massage.
I have used the Tellington-Touch for years, with very good results, curing fears, aggressions and a lot of things.
You can go to this site and read about what can be done with the massages, and order a video to learn to do them.
Part of this is jealousy and part of it is insecurity. The running around non-stop, sounds like a nervous thing.
Dogs can have a nervous breakdown too.
also, if you have allowed him to fight the other dogs without hurting them seriously, then that is a BIG part of the problem.
I don't allow ANY fighting at all.
I am the alpha, and I don't need any help from any of the little 4 legged would-be dictators.
they get chewed out, and if they have done it and tried to get more aggressive, they go to time out.
I don't EVER find a new home for one.
I train them, and they mind mom or they get their little butts chewed out and put in time-out.
ANY dog can be trained to behave!!!!!!
I have trained dogs that would attack their owners and/or other people if they even said no to them, but they didn't bite me, or even try to.
I won't tollerate it, and they know it.
I don't hit!!! I assume authority, and I don't back down.
I would suggest you get him into a group training class, where you handle him and an intructor teaches the class. That will help establish you sa the alpha. The trainer will teach you how to do that.
I also suggest you get a video and learn to do the massages.
It sounds olike he is insecure, and wants to dominate at the same time. the calming massages will help you get control of that.
You will need to learn the other massages on the video anyway, there are massages for poain relief, and with big ones like that, you will most likely have some Arthritis pain etc to deal with as thy get older.
I have kept my dogs with Arthritis up and going better with fewer meds, and helpd them actually live longer.
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