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Rottweiler pup

19 10:02:59

Hello, i have a 2 1/2 month old rotti named Bella. She's been very droopy and quiet lately compared to her usual hyper and happy self. i noticed she has been coughing and gagging alot. She's also been licking her tail quite often, i took a look at it, and there seems to be a red, crusty looking sore right under the tip of the tail. What could be wrong with my Bella??

Hi Amy,

Dogs don't lie about how they feel. If you've seen your puppy acting lethargic, and not her self, that's a big clue that she's not feeling well. It's impossible to have a lay-person accurately diagnose your puppy over the Internet.

Your dog is obviously having a problem. You need to have her examined by your veterinarian. Please do this promptly.

Best of luck,