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Bladder infection?

19 14:01:25

Hi, and thank you in advance for your help. We have a boxer-mix neutered dog, approx. 75 lbs, who seems to have symptoms of a bladder infection.  He peed right in the middle of the living room floor tonite, which he has NEVER done even as a puppy!  When he goes outside he assumes the pee position but no pee comes out.  Can dogs get bladder infections???  Does this warrant a trip to the vet or can they clear up on their own?  Thanks again!

Hi Vera,

Thank you for writing to me about your boxer mix's bladder problems.  Since there is no indication of his age I don't know if this might be an age related prostate issue, kidney problem or actual bladder problem.

You can try a natural bladder infection protocol which should work within a few days.  If the problem doesn't improve, I would recommend taking him to your vet for an examination and blood workup.


Cranberry capsules from the health food store 4x a day.

Cantharis (homeopathic remedy) pellets crushed in a saucer(you can place a clean paper towel over the pellets to keep them from rolling out of the saucer. Take your index finger, put it into your dogs mouth then use your wet finger to lift the crushed pellets (3 pellets at a time, 3x a day).  Then place your finger back into his mouth between the gums and outer lip.  This way the powder will dissolve slowly, the way it is supposed to.

You can also add some Ester C into his food bowl as well as some organic, (no sugar) cranberry concentrate into his water bowl.

Good luck.

Shelley Davis