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Parvo & rectal bleeding...

19 11:27:18

My 6 month old datsun is getting over parvo but is really doing well, very happy, eating, drinking, and loveable, he poops blood everytime and was wondering what to do to cure it, any help please?

Hi Andrew,

When recovering from Parvo, it is typical for a dog's bowel movements to be a little loose at first (or for no stool to be produced for a few days) as your dog's intestinal tract recovers.  The stool should gradually firm up over the first 3-5 days and your puppy should be active and of normal attitude.

You need to notify your veterinarian if the bloody stool has returned, or never cleared up.

Your dog may still be a source of infection to other dogs in your area, so you should try to avoid all contact with other people's pets. Parvo can live up to 6 months in your home or yard.

Best of luck,