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peeing in the house

19 10:36:06

I have a 4 month old pup thats not getting not going in the house. I take her out when i wake, after she eats and every 2 hours. In the beginning it was every hour. she used to  pee right in back of me when i was cooking or on the computer. now she goes if I'm busy in the kitchen and paying attention to her. I kennel at night. gate the kitchen. she has gone a cou[le times on the couch , a couple in the passenger seat of the car. and yesterday she chased my 2 year old onto our other sofa playing just stopped a peed right on his foot where he was bouncing. What do I do that I'm not already doing. I praise, give treats outside. Oh, and if I don't go out with and just put he out back she'll go right on the mat or on the concrete. help

Well the best way is to use a crate,but also keep her in there all the time,except to be fed taken outside ect This is the best way to house train a puppy and do this for about 3 weeks and slowly let her out of the crate more,and if the accidents happen again back in the crate she goes for another week

Keeping her in the crate for now is the best way to stop accidents when you can't watch her

For the barking you can try 'rescue remedy' it's a natural product that can be bought at any health foo store and just put a few drops on a treat and it clams them down