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yorkie peeing all over the house

19 11:43:16

I need help with our 4 year old yorkie and he is fixed. He is crate trained and really enjoys sleeping in there at night. He receives 3 to 4 walks a day and always does number two outside but we have a huge problem with him peeing in the house on the carpet. He will actually come from the outside inside and go and pee under the kitchen table. We can't watch him every minute and we don't know what to do anymore. Do you have any advice for us? I can't keep him contained all the time its not fair to him. My house smells, my husband is upset and I'm at my wits end.
thank you in advance for your help.

This may be a health problem,when dogs don't normally pee in the house start too-it could be something medical

It could be anything from a bladder infection to diabetes,I would take him to a vet first of all to see if it is medical

But if it isn't,you may have to crate him again,sometimes dogs   also think they are in charge and will start peeing in that case you would have to really work on his training and even take him to a trainer