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goldren retriever

19 10:22:55

hi i recently got my g.r shaved as it has been really hot and when he was running around his testicles really stood out. we were playing and he was on his back and i noticed so scabby sores on his tail and i accidentally touched his testicles. it was very hard and when i had a bigger look one was so big and the other was very small. he is ten yrs old and has never mated (not by choice). do you think this is normal or is there a problem. regards ky


If this is a change from your dogs usual testicle size (IE he didn't develop incorrectly with one testicle descended and the other undeveloped) then no, this is not normal in anyway. It is quite possible that he has developed testicular cancer. I highly suggest you take him to the vet ASAP to have this checked.

On a foot note, goldens are actually much cooler if you do not shave them ;) Their long guard hairs are meant to trap cool air against their skin. Without the guardhairs, their skin is exposed to the sun and they burn much easier, and can actually overheat. In the future, if you just keep him nice and brushed so his undercoat stays thin, you will not have a problem at all, but it is never recomended to take clippers to a goldens top coat.

Good luck at the vets!! I hope all is well.