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wet eyes in shitzu dogs

19 11:13:41

What is the best way to control the wetting of the eyes in this breed.  What is the best solution or product to use to keep them clean and not so smelly???? thanks cindywpg77

If the dog's eyes are constantly running, it could be that it has conjunctivitis or possibly distichiosis (extra eyelashes) that are rubbing on the eyes and causing irritation. A regular veterinarian could give you meds for conjunctivitis, but distichiosis could require special surgery by a veterinary ophthalmologist whereby they freeze those extra eyelashes prior to removing them. Do make sure that the dog doesn't have any hair sticking up into its eyes either.

Any good shampoo can be used to bathe the dog. I usually smell the shampoo prior to purchase to make sure it is one whose aroma I enjoy since the dog will probably spend much of its time up near my face. Just be sure to thoroughly rinse the dog to get all of the shampoo out of its coat.