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Boxer Puppy Freaks Out On Leash

19 13:33:44


We have a male boxer puppy who is 3 1/2 months old. We got him when he was 8 weeks old from a breeder. He is very calm and friendly and extremely well behaved considering his age. He understands basic commands like sit, come, down and shake. We started to attempt leash training when he was about 2 1/2 months old by introducing him to a collar and leash and letting him wear it and drag it around. He became very comfortable and would let us walk him around the house and yard. Now we have attempted to try to walk him around the neighborhood which does not go well at all. Once we get out the door and reach the front yard he FREAKS. He yalps and flips his body around like a fish on a hook then starts to bite the leash while he is looking like he is having a seizure. If we are anywhere outside the vicinity of our yard, he walks fine. If we get him out to the main street, he walk fine - it is just getting him out of the yard and having him not go completely bonkers. We also have two other dogs, a 10 yr old dachsaund and a 3 yr old pug. When they go on the walk with him, he seems to not be as bad especially when we walk them ahead of him. We do not want to rely on this as the only solution though since after a while the other dogs become a distraction when we try to teach him how to properly walk and sit without pulling. We have tried a halter, a regular flat coller, a slip collar and a choke chain and get the exact same response. We were thinking of a NewTrix head halter but feel it is more than likely purely mental at this point. Do you have any suggestions?
- Kelly

Well what you can try is next time when you take him out front,put a treat in front of his nose when you are walking with him-and if that is working reward him with it,keep on trying this,then eventualy try it without food in front of him,but still give it to him as an award-doesn't have to be anything big,just a small piece

And after a while a treat can be replaced with praise and petting