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Lame GSD

19 14:27:54

Our German Shepherd is five and is showing signs of stiffness and pain in his hind left leg. He only shows this in the house, when he is out running free he seems fine. I have started giving him a canine glucosamine/chondroitin supplement. Is this the right thing to do? And do you think that a chiropractor might be able to help? How can we find a good one, and how much does it cost? Thank you for your kindness.

Hi Elena,

To be able to see it at the walk but not at the run is pretty common.  It seems like the supplements will be fine, but may not make a difference.  I think a chiropractor is a good idea - ask your vet or chiropractor, or look at for a referral to a certified doctor.  It should run about $50 - $80 or so.

Good luck!

Dr Larry