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lazy, crusty bumps on head and bout of diarrhea

19 10:38:52

My 1 year old Bullmastiff/German Shepherd mix has had a rough month! First she stopped eating and when I got that taken care of she had some sort of allergic reaction her mouth was swollen beyond recognition and had hives all over her body... obviously with my vet I took care of all that... Now 2 days ago I came home and she had made a mess in her crate, something she has never done before. I put her outside while I cleaned up the mess...well I go to get her and her rear-end is dripping blood, so now she's on hamburger and rice and not having a BM at all..ok, diarrhea gone. Yesterday I noticed she had a cluster of little crusty bumps on her head!!! My goodness...can I take anymore. Her personality is weird too. Today she went for a walk with my 2 year old son and I. A man asked to pet her... I said "of course", my dog loves attention! Well she just stood there looking all strange. I don't know what to do... I think I've exhausted the vets office for now, just looking for a little outsider opinion is all.

Thank You!


Honestly, you wont like this answer, but I think another trip to the vet is required.

Have you given her any immodium to stop her diarrhea? Is she eating ok?

I would think a skin scraping and fecal is a good idea.  Lethargy sometimes comes with diarrhea, but if its extreme I would be concerned!

I hope she feels better!