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yorkie with discharge from nose

19 11:45:17

How are you guys. Here is the deal I have a teacup yorkie, male, 10 years(human years) old. I beleieve his tounge is too long for his mouth so it always sticks out of his mouth. The problem is that for about a bit over a year he has these sudden attacks. What happens is that his nose gets stuffy, there is a clear discharge that comes out, and he sneezes. I went to 2 different vets and one told me that his nose air passage is small and that's why this happens, however that dosn't explain the discharge. The 2nd vet siad it may be allergies and suggested that I switch to unprocessed dog food, which I did but that didn't seem to this is what I think it is. I think he has allergies. Unfortunately there's there's (at least to my knowledge) any allergy test for dogs. So basically I'm not sure what else I can do to help this dog when he has these attack which usually last from half hour to a few hours.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you


If the nasal passages were too small, they may not be able to hold all of his sinus drainage, which is why you would see it in the form of discharge. You are right, however, that there shouldn't be constant discharge in the first place. There ARE allergy tests for dogs. In fact, there are veterinarians that specialize in this. Veterinary medicine has made amazing advances in the last decade. My advice to you would be to search for a specialist in your area. There are a few ways you can do this - if there is a veterinary teaching hospital (at a vet med school) in your state, or in a neighboring state you'd be willing to drive to, contact them. Otherwise, you can try calling your veterinarian(s) to ask for a referral for allergy testing, and lastly - if none of that works, you might be able to search online for a specialist in your area.

Good luck!
