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Not sure whether to get new puppy

19 11:16:39

Hello. We currently have a 5 year old black lab female that is still quite puppy-playful and not very well behaved. She continues to make progress and learn, but is tough to get through to - my fault due to little training when she was young. We are considering adopting a pit bull/lab puppy that is up for adoption, but are not sure if this would be wise. My husband has had two in the past (and trained them very well). We just aren't sure how our lab will react - whether it would benefit her or make her head the other direction. Any advice you could offer would be appreciated. Thank you!

Personally I feel that until you have this dog completely under control and your pack order established, you shouldn't bring another one into the mix. She needs to be stable and in a calm/submissive state of mind before you add another dog to your pack. I'd wait awhile :) Meanwhile check out alpha boot camp on the web and see if that helps you out :)
Merry Christmas