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Poodle coats

19 13:37:24

At what age does a poodle puppy's coat start to get tightly curled? My pups are twelve weeks old and their hair is not kinky yet. It's a little wavey though. I'm worried it will end up like my mom's cockapoo coat. Does a purebred poodle's coat take a while to kink up?

Hello Mindy, It could take up to 2 years for your poodles coat to fully change and come in.  Although most have a mature coat at closer to a year sometimes a year and a half.  The funny thing is when the hair starts to kink up and you take her to the groomers, the first thing they do is wash and blow dry them to straighten the hair and fluff it out to no kinks.  This is to make the scissor work easier and it looks nicer.  Be patient, the coat will thicken and kink as you want it to.  Thanks for asking and enjoy your pups, Cindy Lou :)