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Cocker Spaniel skin allergies and anal glands removed--still rubbing butt

19 9:41:06

Our 7 year old cocker spaniel has had severe skin and ear issues and we have done everything..changed food, steroids, bathing.  His anal glands were removed when he was a puppy because they were always impacted.  Our vet states his skin around anal is rough because of skin allergies.  We have done many tests.  He constantly rubs and licks his butt!  Especially when he has to go to the bathroom. Because he has no anal glands what can we do!!  He has rubbed most of the hair of his back-end and the licking constantly makes it red.  We have changed his food many times...he is not allergic to wheat but we give him duck and potato. He also has had many ear infections due to yeast.  Thank you for any advice you can give.

Hi Carol,
First get some  Gentimicin spray and spray it on all itchy areas...this has an ingredient that reduces itching, it also tastes bad...He wont like it for it burns for about 3 seconds.

Now here is what I want you to try.....for his ears,,,,One drop of vinegar on a damp cotton ball (not wet)  swab out the ears  every evening.

Make a spray of 1 part vinegar to 5 parts water.....spray this twice a day on your dogs skin.

Feed your dog one tablespoon of yogurt daily...  What needs to happen is you need to change the pH of your dog.

This takes about 2 months before you will see any is slow but the bigger goal is what you need.

lastly....for 1 month take him off of all dog food and feed him white meat chicken OR hamburger meat whichever he can tolerate without getting a loose stool.

Start with this and get back to me in 2 months so I can either tweak this for you or change it completely