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Mating my Australian Silky Terrier

19 11:30:42

I have a male pup who is 8 months old and i wondering how long should i wait to get him a companion of the opposite sex? I know he would like to mate but I don't want to create an unsafe situation for him or the female pup i also want to get

First, make sure that he and his prospective mate are of a quality worth reproducing. Then do whatever health checks are necessary for your breed.... eye exams by a certified ophthalmologist, X-rays for elbow dysplasia, patellar luxation, and check for Legg-Perthes Disease and thyroid levels. Once all of that has been done, he will probably be old enough to figure out what breeding a bitch is all about.

Do be aware that many males, particularly in the smaller breeds, often start marking in the house once they have been used at stud.
