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dew claws

19 10:01:49

My dog's dew claw on her left leg is swollen.  What can be done to reduce the swelling?


Hi Patti,

Dogs who retain their dew claws can have problems with them, as they can catch on things. When a dog's dew claws become swollen or inflamed, the dog needs to be examined by your veterinarian.

Until your dog can be examined by your vet, keep the area or the dew claw clean. Twice a day either soak your dog's paw in, or apply a compress of warm water and Epsom Salts. Use a sauce pan with a half handful of Epsom salts in warm water. Soak a clean wash cloth, wring it out, place it over the sore spot, wrap a plastic bag around it to keep in the heat, and then wrap a towel or tensor bandage around everything to hold it in place. Leave it on for 15 minutes. After the soak/compress apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin.

It can help to keep the nail trimmed, because it does not wear down like the nails that are in contact with the ground. You don't have to try to get them really short. Regular trimming of the dew claw will lessen the chance of accidental injury.

Best of luck,