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7 Day old Pitbull puppy poop issue

19 9:19:07

The mother died and we are feeding the one suvivor but seem to have issues with him pooping.  I feed him goat milk every 4 hours and he drank 1/2 oz. the first few days and then took 1 oz. and only poop a very tiny bit, like 3/4 to 1 inch in length, but it is not a solid form it is a bunch of tiny tiny hard balls stuck together.  He grunts when goind and now it is impossible for him to poop after every feeding.  We have raise several before so we never had this type of poop either.
I called the vet and he said to give him Cat Hairball laxative but the store gave me GMC Ultra Mega Hairbal Formula which is packed with over 4000 mg. of Omega 3,6 & 9 fatty acids.  I have given him 1/4 tsp. and 4 hrs. later 1/2 tsp. with half water and half goat milk totaling 1 oz.  
I see that there is an remedy of putting 2 cc of distilled water in the rectum and it will be resolved.  Can you comment on what is best for us to do at this time?


Hi Kath,

I don't know about the 2cc of distilled water in the rectum, but taking a warm, wet cloth or a warm moist cotton ball to his anus can help him poop. It mimics the action of the mother dog's licking to stimulate defecation. You may have to gently do it for several minutes before he'll "go".  Gently stimulate your puppy's anal area after feeding for the first 2 weeks of its life. Also, try making the formula a little bit more watery. Many pups on formula get constipated because most formulas are too concentrated.

Your puppy may not eliminate poop every single time, but should produce a stool every third or fourth time. Its very important that your puppy urinate easily after every meal. Again, using a cotton ball moist with warm water, rub the abdominal and anal area with sweeping motions.

Best of luck,
