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puppy spanking

19 13:36:59

I have a questions regarding spanking puppies. Please I would really like an answer that will convince my husband that spanking a puppy is not the right thing to do. We come from a culture that taught us obviously that spanking dogs is an acceptable behavior. However, I am very sensitive and i KNOW that spanking them does no good and on top of that I can't stand it when I see it. Hs is a great guy and he loves this dog (11 weeks Boston Terrier) to death. He is just convinced that this is the right thing to do. We have him for 4 weeks and even though he is almost housebroken , accidents happen and sometimes he will go in the house. How can I convince him that he should stop and that this is not the right thing to do? We've read in different books that spanking is not an option, for some reason he still believes that because he is an animal, fear will teach him better not to go in the house. Thank you and I appreciate your time.


Hi /ana
The accidents are happening BECAUSE he is spanking the puppy.
You DO NOT hit dogs!
You DO NOT rub their noses in the poop when they have an accident.
Spanking the dog is pure ignorance.
Spanking the dog says. "I am not intelligent enough tomlearn how to properly train a dog.
Besides, it doesn't work, anymore than whacking a child for everything works.
I KNOW I am 72 years old and have raised an awful lot of dogs and cats, and 4 children and 2 grandchildren.
Spanking is useless. It just shows they have defeated you, when you spank children.
Spanking is for CAPITAL offenses.
Yes, there were a few times my children got licks, on their bottom, but that was for major misdeeds that HAd to be punished in a more prominate way.
Spanking children for things like having an accident in their pants, or for every little thing they do wrong is counter-productive.
Spanking a og is ALWAYS counter-productive.
Dogs are more intelligent than children are. Actually they are more intelligent than ADULTS are.
You show a og what you want it to do, and if you teach it right and get your point across, the dog will always do it that way. But you have to make the dog understand what you want. If you don't do that, you are never going to teach it anything, but you will have it completely confused.
I have 4 dogs now.I have had four dogs at a time for the last 1 years or so, and always had more than one animal in my house, so I have raised a bunch of them.
ONCE, in that time I have given a dog a spanking and slapped on in the face.
The spanking was to my little Lhasa.
Everytime the front door was opened and he could escape before we caught him, he ran across the street and would NOT come back.( I am a professional trainer,retired)He was doing it a his idea of a cute defiance.
He would go across the street and sit on the neighnors yard, and when I commanded him to come back, he would turn his head and ignore me, until I had to walk across the street and carry him back.
When I called him to come back from anything else, he did so.
When my back got so bad it caused a great deal of pain for me to carry him, and it made me get chest pains, I figured 5 years of going theough that with him was enough, so I picked him up and spanked his butt and chewed him out all the way back to the house, and he never has done that again. He is 8 years old now.
I didn't soank him hard, but fanned his little butt a little.
The slap?
My 6 year old English Setter was on my bed, and I told her to get down so I could make my bed. she just lay there. I knew she knew what I said, because she had done that and been told to get down and minded so many times. I went to mover her, and she snapped at me, so I slapped her as a reflex action, but I chewed her out and told her she did NOT snap at me.
She never did it again, and she lives 134 years.
If the puppy is housebroken correctly, he will NOT have an accident in the house if he can help it. And you CERTAINLT don't spank for something they can't help.
I have trained cats, dogs, horses and children, and hitting will simply NOT do it.
Children are the only exceptinn. When they are never soanked, and they do something serious enogh to get licks, they know they have committed a major crime.  
I know some employers believe fear motivates, and if they make their employees afraid of losing their jobs this will motivate them to work harder. It does not. In fact, it deminishes the work they will do.
I was an employer too, and I applied PROPER phychology, NOT FEAR.
Ask your husband if being afraid of someone makes him cooperate with that person more.
You will do what they want if you are afraid of extreme pain or fear for your life, but you will hete their guts and plot revenge.
Hitting his dog will instill that in his dog.
Is that the kind of relationship he wants with nhis dog?
He doesn't know HOW to teach a og.
That is no big deal.
You don't know how to do anything till you learn it.
So he should go to Petsmart or Petco or Man's Best Friend, and take the his dog through a group obedience class, and he will learn the proper way to train a dog.
THEN he will have a companion that loves him, and will WANT to be with him, instead of fearing nd hating him, and wanting to get away from him as soon as it can.
It is no big deal for a grown man to make a little dog afraid of him.
How wouild HE feel if something that much bigger than him hit him?
We aren't bron knowing everything, and we aren't always taught everything right when we are growing up, but if we have good minds and the ability to learn, we can always learn better ways of doing things.