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2 year old yellow lab suddenly incontinent

19 11:52:21

My dog is very intellegent and never urinates in the house but tonight has started "dribbling" urine every where she goes. I haven't seen any blood but it is a mess! Don't know what's wrong!

Hi Virginia,

There are several causes of urinary incontinence, and most of these are ruled in or out with a urinalysis and urine culture.

With adult females dogs, the most common causes of incontinence are urinary tract infections, and low levels of the hormone Estrogen which cause the sphincter muscle to weaken.

Treatment for incontinence is usually not difficult. If the cause is  a hormone deficiency, replacements with hormones or hormone substitutes are usually prescribed. If the problem is a bladder or urinary track infection, an antibiotic will be necessary.

Your first course of action needs to be a visit to your vet's office, this is not a condition which can be treated without first confirming the diagnosis.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
