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Chihuahua chewing bedding

19 14:00:09

My six year old dachhound lost his companion who was 19. I let him pick out a rescue companion. He chose a 18mo Chihuahua. They get along great from day one. Took less than a day to show him how to use doggie door etc. The problem is the Chihuahua is very needy--been returned twice I was told. He cries for me to be with him then plays ten minutes and goes into his crate and chews on his bedding? Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? He has made my other dog so happy as a great companion but I want to sure Sparky is happy too.He does not chew on any thing else but chew toys and his bedding.

Hi BJ,  Your chihuahua is suffering from anxiety which is not that uncommon for a rescue dog who has been displaced as many times as he has.  Think of him as a human child.  His mental age equivalency to a human child is 16 years old, so think of a 16 year old going through at least 4 homes in his short life span.  The first one being wherever he originally lived, 2 through the rescue and then you.  That is not counting the temporary hiatus at the rescue itself.  That is a lot of changes in such a short period of time, and it can be very taxing on their minds.  He relieves his anxiety by knawing on his bedding which is not that uncommon in anxiety dogs.  I would let him do it as it will help him cope with what his brain is dealing with.  He basically starts to enjoy himself and then starts to panic that he'll be taken away so he goes to relieve that anxiety by knawing on his bedding.  Just keep him on a standard pattern & schedule in his life and that will help him cope with his anxieties better.  Any changes will upset him more, so always remember that in the future if you have to change anything like jobs, home etc.  It may take him a little time to adjust to any changes like that.  Hope this helps,
