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Puppy hates crate all of a sudden

19 10:28:49

We have a 10 week old puppy that we've had in our home for a week and a half.  Right from the beginning we have been crating her and she's been great.  She loves to sleep in it at night.  She lays right now and goes to sleep.  I get up with her once a night to let her out and she always goes right back to sleep.  However, the last two days she doesn't want anything to do with the crate.  She cries and whines when we leave and she cried ALL night long last night.  I've tried giving her treats to coax her inside.  I've fed her in the crate and she has toys and blankets.  What do I do?

Could she have had an accident in it.  Try cleaning it good with an enzyme cleaner and wash the blanket.  Also when you put her in it, lay down next to it like you woiere going to sleep there.  I have found that very effective for the otherwise dreadful first few nights.