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My 6 month old American Pit Bull Terrier

19 10:42:38

We are about to have her spayed.  We are hoping that it will calm her down a bit.  She's a lot to handle for my husband and me as we are in our early 60's.  Will the spaying calm her down at all?  We used to own pit bulls when we were much younger but they were not nearly as "hyper" as she.  Have we just forgotten what this breed is like?  Thanks.

Hi peggy-

Of course, some dogs are just more hyper then others :) It depends on breeding, training and enviornment.

Spaying may help to calm her down a bit, since it will remove some hormones, but I would also recommend a trainer. It sounds like she may be walking all over you, and you havent been able to establish a positive pack order- YOU need to be alpha. Try a basic obedience course, and do some research on the "nothing in life is free" dog training program, and see if that doesnt help :)

Good luck!