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Great Dane Tail Injury

19 11:48:41

HELP! i just got a great dane about a week ago.  he is 22 months old and neutered.  i know that this is common with great danes but i dont know what to do anymore.  he had an injury on the tip of his tail when we got him and the guy told us that he had taken him to the vet and gave us the stuff to take care of it.  it wont get better.  he wags his tail so hard that it causes it to burst again and gets blood everywhere.  i have tried everything i could think of and even called the local vet.  i was told by the guy that it needs to be kept dry that is what his vet had said but the vet i called told me to put neosporin on it.  i dont know what to do about this and cant handle the cleaning up anymore.  please help me. thanks.

Hi Jessica and thanks for your question.

This is nicknamed "happy tail". My beagles get it when hunting hard in thick brush. They wag their tails so fiercely, the bushes and briars damage the end of it. Fortunately, my dogs tails heal quickly, but many other fellow beaglers I know have had to actually have the tip of the tail amputated to eliminate continuous injuries and possible infections.

While it is a surgical procedure, it may be something you might want to consider. By removing the tip (down about 1 1/2"), you are basically taking away the weakest part of the tail and the end will be blunt and not pointy or whip-like. This is what gets injured because of the narrowness and hardness of the tip.

I know it may sound cruel to some, but it may be the only option to prevent you boy from constant injury and pain (you know it has to hurt), as well as, potential infections.