Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > vaccinations/shots


19 11:16:56

i have a pitbull pup and was wondering what shots i should get for my pup and how often should i get them

Your puppy needs 3 to 4 boosters in his first year and a rabies shot as well. You want the basc parvo/distemper vaccine boosters which are given to all puppies, you get the seris done over a few vaccine every 3-4 weeks until complete with the rabis shot when you get the last vaccine at 4/5 months. You can get kennel cough and other things speak with your vet if your dog will be going camping and into lakes or rivers you want a vaccine to pervent the equalvilent to "beaver fever in people" which of course is very bad if the dog gets it. You also want to discuse deworming your puppy nd flea/tick meds and heart worm preventment as well as neuering or spaying.