Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > My chihuahua hates my husband

My chihuahua hates my husband

19 11:36:30

QUESTION: My puppy is 5months old and we've had her for one.She will only let my husband give her food from hand without growling or barking at him.She freaks out if he is near in bed.I have to go before him to calm her down.We have another year old chih. and she sees him play and love on husband so why won't she loosen up?I got her from a woman,daughter and husband.She plays with other men and anyone else for that matter.Why my husband is she affraid of?Please help.I really love her and want to keep her in our family.No children either,these are them.

ANSWER: Your husband needs to totally immerse himself with this puppy as much as possible. He needs to take over her feeding, walking, and training, and basically keep her with him at all times. Feeding her totally by hand for awhile shouldn't hurt either.

Who knows what her problem is? It could be something as simple as his voice or deodorant/cologne.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The same puppy of 5months has terrible breath.I even brushed them and it actualy seemed to smell worse.She eats pedigree food and gets dental chews for her teeth regularly.My older chic. eats the same food and chews and nothing close as to the same smell.She has been wormed and all.What to do or stop doing if anything?Please help freshen my lil babygirls smooches.
Thank you,

The problem is that the puppy is smack-dab in the middle of teething. You are dealing with all the bacteria and blood involved with that, and she might even be retaining some puppy teeth. Open her mouth (tiny, I'm sure) and take a look around for any retained teeth, and start wiggling those if you find any. She might have some lint and hair caught up in some of her teeth, too, so get any of that out of there. It really becomes quite the breeding ground for bacteria! If she is retaining puppy teeth, you can have them removed when you get her spayed in a few weeks (and at five months, it is time to start thinking of that).
