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Dog afraid of grass

19 9:23:37

QUESTION: We adopted a 7 year old black labrador and she is afraid to walk on grass.  Her previous owners kept her in a kennel with a large concrete area for recreation and had an invisible fence to prevent her from going onto the lawn area.  She will only relieve herself on concrete and only walk on pathways. This is a particular problem when taking her for a walk.  Can you give any advice on how to encourage her to walk on the grass

ANSWER: Barbara,
I wrote you a three page letter on how to help and it said it went through and now it is saying it didn't go through.   grrrrr
Put a large sheet of plastic over your concrete patio and extend it over the grass.  Start feeding her and giving her treats on the area covering the concrete.  Start to work the dish closer and closer to the grass
When she is comfortable with this, put her bowl down so it is partially on the plastic on the grass and partly on the concrete.  Let her get comfortable again with this.  Now start edging it more and more onto the plastic where the grass is.  Also, put a chair out there and sit with her.  Move her dish further and further out (along with the chair) onto the plastic covering the grass.
Once she seems to be ok with this,  cut small one inch holes in the plastic; start with four and work your way up to ten.
She will probably avoid these when walking out there.  Always praise her and treat her when she walks on the plastic.
After a little while enlarge the holes to about two inches each and put liverwurst or her favorite treat in the holes.  Ignore her. Hopefully she will find them on her own and eat the liver.  Remember, to praise her like she saved your life when she touches the grass.  
Once she seems really comfortable with this, put some of the liver in the holes and grab her collar and let her lead you to the food.  Let her eat the food in the first hole,  when she goes toward the second hole, gently pull the plastic out from under her all the while praising and treating.
Hopefully this will do it.
Remember, this is not a quick fix.  She has been getting electrically shocked each time she sees or heads toward the grass, so go slow with her.  She has to learn she is NOT going to get zapped.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response.  I would like to know also how to encourage her to walk on the grass in the park as sometimes she will relieve herself (or worse) in the middle of the pathway

Another way to get her onto the grass is to get an ex pen... it is a temporary pen that can be put up and taken down.  the reason I suggested the plastic is that it is slower and kinder.  The expen  should be set up on the grass with water and she will have to be kept in it until she goes.   I had a dog I had to do this with and she held it uncomfortably for four days before she relieved herself.  This will force her to go on grass though.  Hopefully you will be there to praise her when she does.  She will still have to be kept there afterwards until she gets the idea though.  Then you should be able to walk her on the grass and she will go to the bathroom.
That is why I told you about the plastic.