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Male dog marking

19 14:02:24

I have a 12 year old un-neutered male poodle who has taken up marking all over everything lately.  Last year, we got a female lab (we plan to breed her) who has not been fixed and it seems like since we got her is when the bad behavior started.  She's been thru two heats already, just fyi.  The problem we're having is, we can't catch him doing it.  Luckily it looks like he's narrowed it down to a couple favorite chairs.  We are going to have him neutered today, but will this really help things?  If not, what would you suggest we do?  We're at our wits end.  He's been our favorite dog until now.  We've even considered giving him away, which I hate to do b/c he's such a great dog in every other way.  Please help.

Hopefully, and most likely, getting him neutered will solve the problem. If it doesn't you may consider getting the female spayed so he doesn't come in contact with females in heat and will not smell female hormones, and thus will not be as territorial. Meaning that he should not keep marking his territory. If these options do not work their really isn't much you can do except try to discpline him when he does this, but to be most effective you would have to catch him in the act. Also you will need to buy a product that will remove the scent from the areas he has been marking, your vet can usually sell you one, if the scent remains it will only encourage him to continue marking the area. Be sure to buy a product that states on the label that it will remove pet urine odors. Hope this helps and let me know if you have anymore questions.