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19 11:45:12

How can you treat a skunk attack because my dog stinks,alot.


You chose the right expert to ask this question. My dog, Graham, has been sprayed twice just this spring! I think I'm uniquely qualified to help you out here : )

First, and I'm sure this is obvious to you but I still have to say it - I hope your dog is current on his Rabies and Distemper vaccines (the Distepmer combo is the DHLPP vaccine), as both are transmitted by skunks.

As for removing the odor - the *easiest* way to go about it is to take him to his veterinary clinic for a skunk bath. You can give him a skunk bath yourself at home, but it takes a lot of work, and if you don't do it right you only make things worse. I've tried it both ways, and have learned the hard way to let the clinic mess with it. Whatever you do, DON'T give him a bath with a regular dog shampoo. He will get wet and smell about 10000x worse, and will leave your bathroom smelling like skunk... as well as whatever clothes you had on when you bathed him. My personal recommendation would be to spend the 30-40$ to let the vet clinic take care of it - but if you want to do it yourself, here is what you should mix up:

(Don't use this formula on your dog's head - it will cause damage if ingested, or if it gets in his eyes. The safest way to clean his head is... and I kid you not, with a female douche. Sorry.)

1 quart - 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup - Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
+ a bit of Dawn Dish Soap

Rinse the dog, mix the above formula together, and apply it to the dog from the neck down. It needs to sit there for about 10 minutes (this may be the hardest part - keeping the dog still that long), and then rinse very thoroughly. This formula may also bleach your dog's hair out a little if he has a dark coat (the skunk bath from the vet may do the same). There is also something called Thiotrol spray you should be able to buy from your veterinary clinic. Proper skunk baths will remove about 95% of the odor - and the Thiotrol spray will help to remove the rest.

Good luck!
