Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my dog 10yr old pit bull has a rash all over his torso, and it looks like bruised skin

my dog 10yr old pit bull has a rash all over his torso, and it looks like bruised skin

19 13:42:18

can you help me? he is on a rice and hamburger diet due to pancreatitis, I tried cordizone,and have big vet bills, they suggested allergy's,I have tried oatmeal baths I don't know how to help him, can you help me?

Hi Susan :-)

The bruising could be caused by the Cortizone. Some steroids cause bruising of the skin and long term steroid use can cause Liver and Kidney problems including blood disorders.

If you are positive your Dog did not cause the bruises himself by biting his skin, I would contact your Vet straight away for advice.

For his Skin, I would purchase some Sudocrem Cream from your pharmacist and apply this to all effected areas and this should help with the rash and will relieve irritation and dry skin. I would speak to your Vet about putting him on a antihistamine incase it is allergy related.

Because of the abdominal bruising I would contact your Vet and have your Dog examined incase this is a sign of a clotting disorder. Contact your Vet now hun to be on the safe side.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x