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Crouch sniffers..

19 13:59:55

My daughter has two leonburgers..they are BIG..150 pounds each. Well they love to sniff peoples crouches and behinds..I mean they really get into it!..Actually sticking it right in the ..well as close as you can get.
We have tried so many things..the more you push them away the more they do it. It is embarrasing when friends come over. They are uncontrolable.

The oldest (girl) is easier to make her stop but the male is really pushey. He is a rescue dog from a puppy mill and is also terrified of storms and much so he will attempt to climb in your lap and no matter what you do you can't stop him short of getting up (If you can). He is very large and can actually pin you down in the couch trying to get on you.

Any advice you can give will be appreciated..thanks..

Thanks for your question.  Leonburgers are beautiful dogs, your very lucky to have 2.  Well this is actually very easy to solve. I have a couple different this you can do.  First is have a friend come over who is willing to try this...Give them a bottle of water take the cap off and when they start that behavior have thenm squeeze It in there face.  And reinforce with a LOUD NO.  My next option is a fog horn or something loud that you could hold onto.  Would say some 4th of july noise makers but since your boy is afraid of them then a whisle or somehting that will get there attention right when there doing it.  Thats my best advise on that subject let me know how it works....Fireworks and storms are really hard for a dog to get use to that is afraid of them.  Since he was a rescue for all you know he could have had them shot at him when he was younger.  The best thing to do is take him to places with loud noises.  Parade are great. Ease him into it and maybe if you know someone who has a gun take hime to a shooting range but leave him in the car til you are comfortable enough to let him out on a leash.  Hope this helped.  Let me know if this works...