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dog urinates on family bed

19 13:39:38

i have a 3 year old doxen mix. he has always slept in the bed with my husband and i, no problem, hes a cuddle bug.the past 2 nights in a row in the middle of the night he has urinated ALL OVER himself and our bed. i can not place one significant event thats occoured, so i am at a loss to even begin to figure this out. i dont want him to end up sleeping on the floor because of this. what may be going on here?

Hi Amanda,  When a dog drastically changes its bathroom habits and nothing has changed in the household with someone moving in or out, new animal coming into the home etc. then you need to look at a medical aspect.  With the fact that he is urinating all over himself and not even getting out of bed tells me that he definitely has something medically wrong.  Possibly a urinary tract infection.  I would get him into the vet.  Hope this helps, and good luck.
