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shi tzu groomer

19 14:08:03

I took my dog to a groomer. The groomer said she needed to shave him to take out his knots. Since I've taken the dog home, he runs away from the floor to the carpet or sofa. He lost his energy. All he does is lay down or sleep. He used to love to play and run. He is only 10 months old. He doesn't walk straight. He sticks out his stomach out to the side when he walks or even when he tries to run. his hind legs seem like they can't freely move around like they used to. What happened to him?

Wow, sounds weird. You don't say how long ago you had him groomed and how long this has lasted. If it is just a day or two, I would wait and see how things go. If this has been more then 3 days you should see a vet. The only thing I can think of would be if the groomer expressed his anal glands and irritated something.