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open fontanel

19 10:20:01

I am considering buying a puppy that was born with an open fontanel which closed within the first few weeks of his life. Is it true that dogs born with this  fault tend to be smaller than the normal size for the breed and also are there any long term effects that I should be aware of before I commit to this purchase? He has been checked at the vet and given the all clear. The pup is a soft coated wheaton terrier.

This is a problem that is usually seen in smaller breeds (like chihuahuas), but I doubt that it means that your SCWT will be on the smaller side.

I am assuming that it was the breeder's vet that examined the puppy. I would only buy this puppy with the understanding that it will be returned (with money back) if it does not get a good checkup from your own veterinarian. (A good breeder should be giving a written guarantee with each puppy anyway.) If the fontanel has indeed closed, then there should be no problem with the puppy.

Be sure that you do NOT use this dog for breeding when it is older as this is a hereditary defect and it will produce it if bred.