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dog/fiance clash

19 11:37:35

I'm moving in with a guy who doesn't understand having a pet.  He's forcing me to get rid of my cat, give the other to a friend, and "accepting" my dog.  How can I get through to him (can I ever)?  Thanks!

Hi Courtney,

I can't say that I've ever been in your situation. Nobody has ever tried to give me the ultimatum "it's me, or the dogs".

You need to have a serious discussion with your boyfriend before you move in with him. Explain to your boyfriend that you love your pets, and you'll accept full responsibility for them, meaning you will not impose dog walking, or litter pan cleaning on him. Gently and firmly tell him that "getting rid" of any of them is not a subject open for debate.
I think the best way of getting through to him is to tell him that this is a package deal. To love you, is to accept your pets (he doesn't have to love them).

A relationship is a partnership of respect. Because you love your pets and they make you happy, your boyfriend should want you to have them, and love you all the more for your compassion.

It sounds as though you need to reconsider what matters to you. If your relationship is just starting, and he's making demands and conditions (of any kind) that should be a wake up call. What do you think it's going to be like a few years down the road?

Your true price charming wouldn't make you choose between him and your pets.

Best of luck,