Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Re: 2-year old Yorkipoo/16 hours s/p castration (with undescended testicle as well)

Re: 2-year old Yorkipoo/16 hours s/p castration (with undescended testicle as well)

19 10:50:20

Hi Patti.  Jack has been home from the animal hospital for 24 hours now.  My concern is his pain, the fact that he is not drinking and has not urinated.  (He has taken sips though).  The incisions look clean, dry, non-red (I'm also a nurse but not schooled in vet stuff).  He can't get comfortable and paces back and forth as though he's trying to escape the pain.  Can I give a 9 pound pup 1/4 of a baby aspirin?  My vet conveniently went out of town for four days and can't be reached.  I will take him to an ER vet if necessary but I'm just trying to make him comfortable for now.  Any suggestions?  He's so miserable.  Thanks, Sue

Hi Sue,

Isn't it something how things always seem to crop up over a long weekend?

Many vets have a an answering service that can contact the doctor even when the office is closed. You may still be able to get a prescription for a pain medication phoned into a local pharmacy, even if your vet is away for the weekend.

Considering the surgery your puppy had, I think you're going to be surprised how quickly he bounces back, and is feeling better! Because it's only been 24 hours though, having some discomfort isn't really shocking. If your puppy is crate trained, keeping him in the crate right now will ensure he stays quiet and still.

A 10 pound dog or puppy dose of baby aspirin would be 50mg or slightly less than one tablet. Because your dog is not quite 10 pounds, it's probably safe to give him half a baby aspirin, twice a day.

It's good that the incisions don't look red or weepy.
Keep offering your puppy water or warm (not hot) low sodium chicken soup. Drinking is really more important than eating, as you don't want him to become dehydrated.
Sometimes being under anesthesia will make a dog a little constipated, but that should right itself as your puppy starts to feel better, and he eats something.

I hope I've been a help.
Feel free to get back to me if I can be of further help.
