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Eye lash loss around one eye

19 14:05:42

My 4 1/2 yr old cocker spaniel has recently lost the hair around her left eye.  The eye appears to be red.  any thoughts?

Hi there,

You didn't say if the area around your dog's eye is causing itching, or if the skin appears raw. You also didn't say if there is any discharge, excessive blinking, squinting, or any swelling around the eye.

If the skin is raw, there is the risk of secondary infections forming.

It might be demodectic mange. It causes small (about one inch diameter) patches of hair loss exposing healthy looking patches of skin. These patches often occur on the face or forelegs.  Hair loss around the eyes may also be seen with this kind of mange.

Hair loss and eye irritation might be a symptom of an allergy,

Really though, it's pointless is trying to guess at what exactly is going on. There are many conditions which can cause hair loss and eye irritation, ranging from hormonal causes to parasites.

Your dog is needing to see veterinarian... sooner, rather than later.

Best of luck,
