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Skin irritation

19 9:18:56

Hi, mi neighbor has a really hairy dog, he seems to have a really thick undercoat, and his tail curves over his back. He seems to be some kind of spitz mix. Anyway, I noticed when he wags his tail that he has a nearly bald spot on his back (right behind where his tail starts) and the skin seems to be irritated. My neighbor said it was because his other dog plays rough with him, but im not sure. Do you think this could be mange? its doesnt seem to be anywhere else on the dog, and the other dog doesnt seem to have any issues.

A veterinarian would have to make the diagnosis of mange, and I think you might see more bald areas if that's what it was. This could be a simple hot spot or the beginning of a fungal infection of some sort. Only a vet can diagnose those skin issues through testing.