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Need help with aggressive behavoir asap

19 13:35:42

My toddler son, 3.5 year old lab/beagle mix and I just flew home to spend the month of Dec with my parents and their German Shephard. The dogs have not see each other in 11 months but always got along prior to that. My dog is being extremely protective around my son. If the shephard tries to walk past him she will attack him. He is not aggressive at all and backs down immediately and we are able to break it up within seconds but it is extremely unnerving because it is happening right near our child and the shephard is cowarding in corners and our dog seems stressed as well. What should I be doing to try and curb this behavior? We have 4 more weeks together! Our lab mix has never displayed signs of aggression like this before - she is normally very sweet.

You have several options, Lucie:

1. Don't allow your dog to be loose with your parents' dog if your son is also in the picture; ie: only let the dogs interact when your son is absent or not in the same room/yard/etc.

2. Keep your dog on a leash and training collar, and immediately correct her at the first sign of 'guarding' your son. The first sign might be her body stiffening, her fur raising up on her back, lifting her lip, or growling. After the correction, immediately remove her from the situation and put her in another room (using a baby gate if possible) so she can still see into the room, but not get in there. This will allow her to see your son interacting with your parents' dog.

3. Keep both dogs away from your son.

How old is your parents' dog, and is he neutered?