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milking mom

19 14:32:39

when can i give my bitch a bath after having pups, the pups are 4 weeks old and off her milk. if i bath her will this be bad if for some reason i have to let a pups drink some of her milk.
I herd that you should not bath them when they are feeding the pups,but never herd any thing about after they are weaned off the milk
thank you  

In my experience if it is not ABSOLUTLY nessecary (she rolled in dog poop, went swimming in a swamp, tried to eat or make friends with a skunk) to bath the dam then wait until the pups are completely off her milk. I am sure that a dog shampoo made for puppies will work fine as long as you completely rinse her off and dry her teats before letting her back in with her brood. And at 4 weeks I normally see puppies still nusing once in a while and I like to let the dam completely wean them herself. Everything seems to go just fine that way. And they will usually learn to like dog food faster. Also if she throws up for the pups let them eat it unless you know she ate something bad. You might already know this but I am just letting you know just in case you don't. I wish you luck with the puppies. Sending lots of little tail wags your way.
