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Dogs cheeks are swollen..

19 14:10:55

We noticed that our dogs cheek was swollen this morning, gave him some benedryl, and the swelling went down. Noticed an hour or so ago, that its swelling again, and the other side is too. So we gave him more benedryl. This has happened one other time, and both cheeks were very swollen, with benedryl the issue went away..this was early spring or so. What do you think could be causing this? His diet hasnt changed and I dont think he has gotten into anything.  

Hello Bree,

There's a couple of things that come to mind on this.  He could have gotten stung by a bee in the Spring.  This time, he may have gotten bitten by a spider or something similar.  Check his teeth, he may have a bad tooth causing an infection, although I doubt the benedryl would help that.   Since the benedryl helped, it makes me think it is some type of bite or sting.  Keep a close watch, if it doesn't get any better, I would take him to a vet to be checked.

God Bless,