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excessive drooling

19 10:08:43

I recently added a 11 week old boxer to my family.  My other dog is an 11 year old dalmation in good health.  After bring the puppy home the dalamation started drooling.  She looks fine, eats and drinks fine.  She has been the only dog in the household for nearly 10 years.  Is it nerves? due to the puppy?

Hi Betty,

Thank you for writing to me about the new additions to your family.  

Your Dalmation's drooling could be coincidental so just to be sure you might want to have her checked out by your vet.  The puppy could have given the Dalmation some sort of medical condition.  

If everything is medically ok, then this could be a question of nerves or excitment.  Do not let the puppy be too annoying for your senior dog.  Puppies are famous for having bad manners and not recognizing signals that more mature dogs are aware of.  It takes time and experience for a puppy to know how to behave properly.  So it's up to you to protect your senior dog from unwanted attention by the puppy.

Instead, find other puppies to make play dates with.

Good luck with the new addition to your family.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis