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my puppy is vomiting and has dandruff

19 11:37:27

i have few questions, my 16 week old puppy has been vomiting for the last 5 days, she vomits once a day. so i put her on a diet ( boiled chicken And rice ) but she is still vomiting. and her poop is mustard color now, is this normal .
i just noticed today , that she has dandruff and while i was looking at her coat i saw what seemed to me like a flea walking on her, i tried to catch it but couldn't so i did a good search in her furry coat ana i didn't see anything but this flea ? should i be concerned ?
thank you for your help?

Hello, It sounds like your puppy should see a vet...daily vomiting, yellow poop and flea(s) are not  signs of a healthy puppy, You should make an apointment with her vet as soon as you can and get her in for a check-up and dry skin is also not good to see in a rather young puppy, Vomiting and dry skin can be signs of allergies so its best to see a vet right away.I can dignose no farther as I am Not a vet.