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My Mini Pin has bumps all over his back?

19 13:42:55

My do who is a 1 year old miniature pinscher who has bumps all over his back.  We took him to the vet and they gave him a cortizone shot which helped for maybe a day.  Then they came back stronger.  We know that he is allergic to some things such as different types of medications and such but we haven't given him lately and have been giving him some benedryl to help it, but it seems to help for an hour or so and then they come back.  I was just kind of wondering if you would know of anything that it could be.

Hi Lacy -)

I'm not sure what this could be hun. As your Dog is allergic to some medications I would also wonder whether he is allergic to some of the contents in his Food. Ask your Vet to perform a allergy test so you know what he is allergic too.

Also change your Dogs diet to something light such as scrambled egg or boiled rice, chicken or fish for 2 weeks and see if you notice a improvement in the bumps on his back.

Also ask your Vet to perform a skin biopsy of one of the lumps. This will let you know what you're dealing with and the Vet will be able to give you the correct treatment to stop it.

Youc ould try purchasing some Daktacort Cream from your Pharmacist incase its fungal or bacterial related. Apply this cream twice a day for 7-9 days but if you notice a reaction, cease using the cream and wash your Dog thoroughly.

I would cease using the Benedryl too because some Dogs have a reaction to this.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x