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19 9:13:12

Hello. I recently had my 15 month Great Dane neutered. After his procedure his scrotum had swollen to the size of grapefruit and had started bleeding so we took him back to the vet. He ended up having to have a scrotal ablation. It has been a week and the swelling has gone done in his penal area, but there is still minimal swelling near the incision. However, when he sits he is smearing blood. It's not oozing and doesn't seem to be excessive but I was unsure if this is normal. I have had him crated most of the day with exceptions to potty breaks and he has had his e-collar on for a week. Should I continue to keep him crated?

Thank you!

Hi Olivia
I humbly apoligise for my tardy response time but I had  family death and everything went crazy.
I know youve probably already dealt with your prob and for that Im sorry. ..but what I wouldve said was.....please take your poor baby to a different vet assp. That horrible outcome should not have happened and I'd be demanding some answers and not paying the bill til I was 110% satisfied.  Your poor boy.
I dont like crating at best of times so Id have him out so he can now move and not stiffen up and end up with adhesions in his scrotum from lack of movement. Ensure he doesn't go belting around and tear anything as it will be compromised down there with 2 procedures so he needs to take it slow and steady.....IF he can being 15 mths ha ha...
Im sure youve taken him for his post op check?  Is there still drainage from wound? Having been cut twice he'll have a small amount of heamoserrous leaking which is blood and body fluid but it shouldn't go on for several days....most 2-3 days. If area stays swollen, smells, gets red and hot and hes not eating drinking peeing (especially peeing) or pooping he could have an infection so keep doing what you are which is watching noting and asking but start back on normal regime like suggested.  Well done.
Id be taking him to a different vet for a review asap as neither of you should have gone thru that.
So yes out if crate for sure. Back to routine but gently for a couple of weeks and if all drying up and looking clean and neat then on the road to recovery!
Again Im very sorry but pls feel free to contact me again as I certainly wont be late again!
Look after yourself and your boy.....well done !!